American pit-vipers by the possession of a loreal shield, i.e. [Please select]
3); canthus pronounced, rounded, not angular; loreal region slightly concave; lips thick, rounded, not flaring; nostrils slightly protuberant; internarial distance, 3. [Please select]
Furthermore, these specimens have the superciliary row extended anteriorly, so that the anterior superciliary is in broad contact with the loreal. [Please select]
Snout in lateral profile bluntly rounded, in dorsal profile truncate; canthus rounded; loreal region barely concave; lips thick, moderately flared. [Please select]
Snout in lateral profile truncate, rounded above, in dorsal profile rounded; canthus angular; loreal region slightly concave; lips thin, flared. [Please select]
The loreal region is pale green, bordered above by a narrow dark brown canthal stripe extending from the nostril to the orbit. [Please select]
In recently metamorphosed young the snout is more rounded than in adults; the canthus and loreal concavity are not evident. [Please select]
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