Sentence example with the word 'lordliness'


arbitrariness, autocraticalness, dignity, grandeur, imperiousness, magistrality, overbearance, pride of bearing, regality, stateliness

Definition n. formality in bearing and appearance

Last update: July 6, 2015


I only meant to explain to Your Lordliness that I've had nothing to eat since morning, and I'm very empty indeed.'   [Please select]


But, on the other hand, for all his lordliness of spirit, he felt that the man was his master.   [Please select]


--a man of such natural lordliness of mien that cabmen and policemen, proud men and strangers as they were, spoke to him with something akin to respect.   [Please select]


Hugo had stoutened the least bit under his sorrows; he was more masculine, handsomer than ever; his manner did not want his old lordliness, even now.   [Please select]

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lordliest - lordliness - lordling