, calculated from the above, is 714 litres per kilo, the water being taken as gaseous. [Please select]
The reduced volume of the gases would be 190 litres per equivalent, or 829 litres per kilogramme. [Please select]
82x6001/273 = 3557 litres or at the temperature of explosion 1 gram-molecule of nitro-glycerine produces 3,557 litres of permanent gas. [Please select]
Applying this formula to gun- cotton, and taking after Berthelot, Q = 1075, and after Vieille and Sarrau, V_{o} = 671 litres, and _c_ as. [Please select]
"The captain cried that he would give four litres of rum to the man that brought her back." [Please select]
[278] The medimnus of barley (52 litres) sold for one drachma (97 centimes); the medimnus of wheat, 9 oboli (about 1 franc 45 centimes). [Please select]
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