Sentence example with the word 'levity'


absentmindedness, changeableness, fickleness, gentleness, inattention, joyfulness, mirthfulness, regardlessness, sniggering, unalertness, volatility

Definition n. feeling an inappropriate lack of seriousness

Last update: July 20, 2015


The levity of his remark was a shock to the august assemblage.   [noun]


The happy audience strolled back out into the stormy night feeling much levity in comparison to the evenings heavy weather.   [noun]


The allusion to the hilarity of the students and the general levity of the occasions aroused Coleridge 's indignation.   [noun]


"Even a man of your levity hits the nail on the head sometimes," said Carne, "though the blow cannot be a very heavy one."   [noun]


Wherefore, Saracen, forbear thy foolish and ill-timed levity, and turn thy thoughts to things more suited to the spot--although, alas for thee.   [noun]


The mistress of the house and several other ladies severely reprobated the levity with which the hero transfers his affections from Rosalind to Juliet.   [noun]


'She is Flora Mac-Ivor, sir,' said Waverley, with firmness, 'which to me, were I capable of treating ANY woman with levity, would be a more effectual protection.'   [noun]


Again he pressed the hand of the latter with an expression of good-natured, sincere, and animated levity.   [noun]

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levities - levity - levying