Sentence example with the word 'lavishness'


abundance, copiousness, foison, imposingness, luxury, outpouring, overmeasure, plethora, reckless spending, spate, superabundance

Definition n. the quality possessed by something that is excessively expensive

Last update: August 12, 2015


About six o'clock fiery clouds began to pile themselves up in the heavens with a lavishness I am unaccustomed to.'   [Please select]


To all questions as to the surprising lavishness of cost, Diggory replied: "I would have the ship well found in all matters."   [Please select]


She sheds it on me hourly with a lavishness which scares me.   [Please select]


And some times my lavishness had frightened her, as when we had taken the suite of rooms we now occupied.   [Please select]


He had a great deal of the Italian largeness and lavishness of character with his family.   [Please select]


To dream you cut your hair close to the scalp, denotes that you will be generous to lavishness towards a friend.   [Please select]

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