Sentence example with the word 'lauds'


Last update: September 16, 2015


Matutinue, sc. possibly vigiliae, morning watches; from matutinus, " belonging to the morning"), a word now only used in an ecclesiastical sense for one of the canonical hours in the Roman Breviary, originally intended to be said at midnight, but sometimes said at dawn, after which "lauds" were recited or sung.   [Please select]


Timagenes lauds his culture and noble nature.   [Please select]


Then the bell rang for Lauds and Prime, and John left his cell to begin his life as Brother Storm.   [Please select]


Meanwhile the snow was still falling, and when the brothers went out to Lauds at 6 A.   [Please select]


The bell had been rung for Lauds, and going up the stairs they passed the brothers coming down to service.   [Please select]


Presently the low, droning sound of their voices came up from the chapel where they were saying Lauds.   [Please select]


"The antiphon said after Lauds and Compline from Trinity Sunday to Advent."   [Please select]


As pleasant to him as the purchase of new lands like Turn Again, bought dearly, as in Monkbarns's case, from "bonnet lauds," was a fresh acquisition of an old book or of old armour.   [Please select]


When he escaped at length, the Father asked him to ring the bell for Lauds, as Brother Andrew, whose duty it was, had evidently overslept himself.   [Please select]

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lauding - lauds - laugh