Sentence example with the word 'lamas'


Last update: September 30, 2015


Kang-hi next ordered a similar map to be made of Tibet, the survey being executed by two lamas who were carefully trained as surveyors by the Jesuits at Peking.   [Please select]


His destructive habits among the lambs, and young lamas and alpacas, render him an object to be persecuted rather than protected.   [Please select]


The closed condition is due to the opposition of the Lamas, an order of Buddhist priests.   [Please select]


When lamas get weary, it is said they will stop, and scarcely any severity can compel them to go on.   [Please select]


Lamas, as a rule, have good store of money somewhere about them, but the Curator wished to make sure.   [Please select]


Red Lamas are not so common in Hind that one loses track.   [Please select]


"The condor, like other vultures, feeds principally upon carrion; but, when pressed with hunger, he will kill sheep, lambs, vicunas, young lamas, deer, and other animals."   [Please select]


Lamas I know, and to these I give reverence, but thou art no more a lawful chela than this my finger is the pole of this wagon.   [Please select]

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lalls - lamas - lambast