In the spandrels by the side of the house are laburnums and lilacs and laurels. [Please select]
Beaton remarks, where many seedlings of common plants are raised, "you see new forms of Laburnums, Spiraeas, and other shrubs." [Please select]
Beaton remarks, where many seedlings of common plants are raised, "you see new forms of Laburnums, Spiræas, and other shrubs." [Please select]
It has a decayed bit of front garden in which a gnarled, stunted stick is planted, and it is called The Laburnums. [Please select]
It was one labyrinth of acanthus shrubs, yellow mimosa, the snowy gelder-rose, jasmine and lilac, red roses and laburnums, overshadowed by tall palm-trees, acacias and balsam trees. [Please select]
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