Sentence example with the word 'kowtow'


apple-polish, bob a curtsy, bow to, cringe, do homage, genuflection, knuckle to, nod, prostration, shine up to, supination

Definition n. a former Chinese custom of touching the ground with the forehead as a sign of respect or submission

Last update: November 1, 2015


The dictator beheaded the man who refused to kowtow to him by kissing his feet.   [verb]


If Jason does not kowtow to the boss, he will never get a promotion at work.   [Please select]


Kwan-yin kowtowed before her royal father, kneeling and touching her forehead on the floor in sign of deepest reverence.   [Please select]


Want nothing better than to curtsy and kowtow when I flung out a gracious order.   [Please select]


I went to a big reception of all the arts in Paris once and the only people any one kowtowed to were two disgustingly rich New York women who had never done anything.   [Please select]


"You have spent your life standing on a golden pedestal, being kowtowed to, and you imagine yourself immune from difficulties because you think you can pay your way out of anything."   [Please select]

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koumiss - kowtow - kowtowed