Sentence example with the word 'katydid'


Definition n. large green long-horned grasshopper of North America

Last update: August 4, 2015


The Locustidae (see Grasshopper, Katydid) have the feelers and often also the ovipositor very elongate; the foot is four-segmented; the ears are placed at the base of the foreshin and the stridulation is due to the friction of a transverse " file " beneath the base of the left forewing over a sharp ridge on the upper aspect of the right.   [Please select]


The call consists of a series of short, high notes, somewhat reminiscent of a katydid's song.   [Please select]


Katydid carries its musical instrument at the base of its wing cover.   [Please select]


They couldn't find the katydid in any place, and they had looked everywhere.   [Please select]


The children trooped into the cabin after him, crowding to look at the katydid.   [Please select]


Woe to the katydid if it were anything but this bright green.   [Please select]


It is known as the Katydid, on account of its peculiar notes, which resemble the words _Katy-did-she-did_.   [Please select]


[Illustration] No, the little lady katydid cannot sing--only the little male, and he keeps it up all night long.   [Please select]


Once another man saw a row of katydid eggs laid as neatly as could be on the edge of a clean linen collar.   [Please select]


Above the katydid's strident cry and the piper's incessant notes, a wild tremulous whinny shivers through the gloom at intervals, now from a distant field or wood, now from the near orchard.   [Please select]

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katharsis - katydid - katydids