Sentence example with the word 'jammy'


Last update: September 16, 2015


Albert's works (published in twenty-one folios by the Dominican Pierre Jammy in 1651, and reproduced by the Abbe Borgnet, Paris, 1890, 36 vols.) sufficiently attest his great activity.   [Please select]


_j_ J was once a jar of jam, Jammy, Mammy, Clammy, Jammy, Sweety, swammy, Jar of jam.   [Please select]


"How hard you are on a fellow, Cousin Milly," grumbled the youngster, rising to do as he was bid; but the expression of his jammy face showed that he was no unwilling slave.   [Please select]


A little girl cut her finger and ran to her nurse, pleased and interested: "See," she said, seeing it bleed, "fingers all jammy."   [Please select]

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jamming - jammy - janes