Sentence example with the word 'irk'


abrade, be tedious, bullyrag, distemper, fatigue, harry, molest, perplex, pother, ruffle, trouble, worry

Definition v. irritate or vex

Last update: June 20, 2015


It irks me to see money being wasted..   [verb]


The wicked side of her wanted to push in a few books next time he left, just to irk him.   [verb]


The statement of Herodotus is illustrated both by Attic vase-paintings and also by the series of archaic female statues from the Acropolis of Athens, which (with the exception of one clothed in the Doric irk-Nos) wear the Ionic chiton, together with an outer garment, sometimes laid over both shoulders like a cloak (Greek Art,, fig.   [verb]

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- irk - aardwolf