Sentence example with the word 'inviolability'


Last update: October 9, 2015


29 cities of former days, there is a succession of small towns along the course of the river - Ramadiya, Feluja, Mussaib, Hillah, Diwanieh, Samawa, el-Khudr (an ancient daphne or sacred grove, 3 I° 11' 58" N., 76° 6' 9" E., the only one anywhere which preserves to this day its ancient charter of the inviolability of all life within its precincts), Nasrieh and Suk-esh-Sheiukh----by means of which the Turkish government controls the river and levies taxes on a small part of the adjacent territory.   [Please select]


This thing or property naturally participates then in the inviolability of my person.   [Please select]


Here, as everywhere else, he begins with the inviolability of the individual human personality.   [Please select]


"To be where you are you must believe in the inviolability of the Union."   [Please select]


The Roman law which established the inviolability of tombs did not make exceptions either of persons or creeds.   [Please select]


It is the law that invests the person of a queen, whoever she be, with a sort of inviolability.   [Please select]


On the other hand, when once such a marriage-contract had been drawn up, its inviolability was stringently secured.   [Please select]


Such, amidst the sacred security and inviolability of the office, was the hazardous tenure of the individual.   [Please select]


Thus there result three subjects for natural right: original rights or the sum of that which pertains to freedom or personality (inviolability of the body and of property), the right of coercion, and political right.   [Please select]


The entrance to the crypts was built in a conspicuous place, under the safeguard of the law which guaranteed the inviolability of private tombs.   [Please select]

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invincibly - inviolability - inviolable