Sentence example with the word 'intergeneric'


Last update: October 31, 2015


The comparative myology of the mammalian genera _Sigmodon_, _Oryzomys_, _Neotoma_, and _Peromyscus_ (Cricetinae), with remarks on their intergeneric relationships.   [Please select]


Interbreeding Intergeneric crosses of columbids in captivity are common, but in nature there is little evidence that even interspecific crosses occur.   [Please select]


Previous investigators have shown that in _Zenaida_ and _Zenaidura_ plumage patterns are similar, nesting habits and eggs are nearly identical, blood proteins are similar, and one "intergeneric" hybridization in nature is known.   [Please select]


According to White (1953:548) the hyoid, like the baculum (Burt, 1936:146), is little influenced by changes in external environment and may serve to clarify intergeneric relationships.   [Please select]

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interfusion - intergeneric - interglacial