Sentence example with the word 'industrials'


assessable stock, common stock, deferred stock, floating stock, hypothecated stock, long stock, penny stock, reverse split, specialty stock, stock ledger, unissued capital stock

Last update: October 1, 2015


The sympathy which he expressed for the Agrarians increased his unpopularity among Liberals and industrials; but he pointed out that the state, which for half a century had done everything to help manufactures, might now attempt to support the failing industry of agriculture.   [Please select]


In August, 1915, the deputies representing the great industrials of Germany joined in the attack on the Chancellor.   [Please select]


What remains of the Federal authorities, notaries, banking agents, industrials, _et al.   [Please select]


In Würtemberg, in the upper chamber with 51 members there are 3 industrials; and in the second chamber with 63 members there are 17 industrials.   [Please select]


They represent great industrials who want to annex Belgium, Northern France, Poland and anything else that can be had, for their own ultimate advantage.   [Please select]


The Crusades brought about as great a shifting of the balance of power, as did later the rise of the rich merchants, industrials, and nabobs in England.   [Please select]

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industrially - industrials - industries