a fortiori, a priori, categorical, deductive, discursive, epagogic, inferential, maieutic, prelim, prelusive, preparatory, soritical, synthetic
Definitionadj. arising from inductance
Last update: October 25, 2015
It is inductive that tomorrow will be a cloudy day.. [Please select]
But an inductive and deductive treatment, both comprehensive and in due proportion, does not as yet (19to) exist, and awaits fuller external evidence.' [Please select]
Can you explain what is meant by the inductive method of learning. [Please select]
Whewell, early in this year, published his _History of the Inductive Sciences_. [Please select]
Here, again, the teacher can do him good only by patiently employing the inductive method. [Please select]
The young man fell back on the inductive method: "What is that six then." [Please select]
With the acceptance of the Ancient Wisdom, the inductive method becomes no longer necessary. [Please select]
It is the distinctive point of view of the pragmatic temperament, of the inductive mind. [Please select]
Bacon has been called the father of inductive science, since he would employ the inductive method. [Please select]
He was a great pioneer of philosophy, since he resorted to inductive methods of proof, and gave general definiteness to ideas. [Please select]
His method is hence inductive,--the derivation of certain principles from a sum of given facts and phenomena. [Please select]
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