Sentence example with the word 'indentations'


Last update: August 29, 2015


Beyond the Loire estuary, on the north shore of which is the port of St Nazaire, the peninsula of Brittany projects into the ocean and here begins the most rugged, wild and broken portion of the French seaboard; the chief of innumerable indentations are, on the south the Gulf of Morbihan, which opens into a bay protected to the west by, the narrow peninsula of Quiberon, the Bay of Lorient with the po~t of Lorient, and the Bay of Concarneau; on the west the dangerous Bay of Audierne and the Bay of Douarnenez separated from the spacious roadstead of Brest, with its important naval port, by the peninsula of Crozon, and forming with it a great indentation sheiterdhy Cape St Mathieu on the north and by Cape Raz on the south; On the north, opening into the English Channel, the Morlaix roads, the Bay of St Brieuc, the estuary of the Rance, with the port of St Malo and the Bay of St Michel.   [Please select]


The indentations at the corners of the mouth in the papillary fringe are more prominent when the mouthparts are less extended.   [Please select]


This groove is really a series of very minute indentations, not exceeding 1/1000th of an inch in depth.   [Please select]


If the beginnings of the verses are noticed it will be seen that the indentations of the lines correspond with the rhymes.   [Please select]


With it, while she waited, she drilled small nervous indentations in the old office carpet, and formulated her line of action.   [Please select]


Frequently the indentations extend simply around the neck or rim, the lower portion being plain.   [Please select]


In _Bombycilla_ the walls are indented, with definite terminal knobs; both knobs and indentations are more pronounced in _B.   [Please select]

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indentation - indentations - indented