Definitionadj. likely to change frequently often without apparent or cogent reason
Last update: October 14, 2015
He is an inconstant lover. [Please select]
In the Moscow basin, which was a broad gulf of the Carboniferous sea, coal appears as isolated inconstant seams amidst littoral deposits, the formation of which was favoured by frequent minor subsidences of the seacoast. [Please select]
To see a grotto in your dreams, is a sign of incomplete and inconstant friendships. [Please select]
The nature of the young child, taking its colour from its surroundings, is sensitive, mobile, and inconstant. [Please select]
His nature was passionate and inconstant, his sensibilities morbidly acute, and his imagination lively. [Please select]
Even the ghost in the wall proved inconstant, but I had twice heard the steps without being able to account for them. [Please select]
Human nature is too inconstant to admit of any such regularity. [Please select]
What is casual and inconstant gives but little joy, and less pride. [Please select]
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