Sentence example with the word 'incongruously'


Definition adv. in an incongruous manner

Last update: July 26, 2015


The delicate water color and the bold paintings were incongruously hanging next to each other.   [Please select]


Mysticism was pieced on somewhat incongruously to a scholastically accepted theology; the feelings and the intellect were not brought together.   [Please select]


The word seemed so incongruously ridiculous, after what she had felt, that she burst into exaggerating laughter.   [Please select]


If you'd come to me--"' The ghost of a sardonic smile flitted, incongruously, across the dying man's waxen, cherubic features."'   [Please select]


Before it burnt a purple-glass lamp, hung by chains of native smithy-work, rather incongruously heavy, I thought.   [Please select]


* * * * * Meanwhile the girl thus incongruously in his thought had felt a gray shadow across her sunshine.   [Please select]


In vain I endeavoured to define the relationship between these three people, so incongruously set beneath one roof.   [Please select]


When I returned to the hall I found it already filled with a number of servants incongruously attired.   [Please select]


It was a strange medley, in keeping, perhaps, with the incongruously furnished mind of the master of it all; it was expressive of tastes and habits not yet settled and consistent.   [Please select]

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incongruous - incongruously - incongruousness