Sentence example with the word 'incite'


abet, blow the coals, encourage, feed the fire, heat, instigate, nettle, provoke, set going, stir the embers, waken

Definition v. give an incentive for action

Last update: July 19, 2015


He incited the workers to violence.   [verb]


They said to bring you here could incite violence.   [verb]


The fellow is not going to come here to incite riots or anything else.   [verb]


These things should be played under certain circumstances, only in cases where it is necessary to incite certain actions corresponding to the music.   [verb]


But to incite an energy of feeling which corresponds to neither the time nor the place, and is expended in nothing, cannot fail to act dangerously.   [verb]


Among those members of the upper class who had incited the people to resistance, Neithotep, the high-priest of Neith, had taken the foremost place.   [verb]


What else can be the cause, except that the ATTENTATER must have been insane, or that he was incited to the act.   [verb]


Captain Burly, who attempted to incite the people to rescue the king, has been hung, drawn, and quartered, as a traitor.   [verb]


To be sure, has she not incited violence even before her birth, and will she not continue to do so beyond death.   [verb]

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incitations - incite - incited