Sentence example with the word 'incensing'


Last update: September 15, 2015


I 1), where he speaks of "us" as "adolentes altaria" is to be translated "incensing the altars," and taken literally, it is a testimony to the use of incense by the Christian Church in, at least, the 4th century.   [Please select]


There it lay before me, interminable, intricate, incensing; and bother the end could I see to it at all at all.   [Please select]


The Coptic, as well as other Eastern Christians, observe the same ceremonial as the Latin Church in incensing their altar, the sacred vessels, and ecclesiastical personages.   [Please select]


These shots might only have the effect of incensing it still more, and causing it to stay upon the ground to an indefinite period.   [Please select]

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incensed - incensing - incentive