Bertrand was made a chaplain to Boniface VIII., who in 1295 nominated him bishop of Cominges (Haute Garonne), and in 1299 translated him to the archbishopric of Bordeaux. [Please select]
_The Garumni_, in the south of the department of the Haute-Garonne. [Please select]
Dora was dressed for the Haute ecole, which means a riding-habit and a high hat. [Please select]
Haute ecole, on Clover, the incomparative trained elephant from the plains of Venezuela. [Please select]
"Say, any of you fellows ever stay at the Birchdale at Terre Haute." [Please select]
Wardle, what did the spirits do for the old wife you left in Terre Haute. [Please select]
_Syllabus of Lectures on European History_ (Terre Haute, Ind.) [Please select]
"He was making a speech at Terre Haute to-night when I left there." [Please select]
They had met years before in Terre Haute, where at his request she had lectured on woman suffrage, and immediately they had won each other's sympathy and respect. [Please select]
Senator Voorhees, of Indiana, was among the speakers at the memorial meeting in Terre Haute, and in the course of his remarks, said: "I knew James A." [Please select]
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