He was impetuous, intense and often vehement, unflinchingly courageous, devoted with his whole soul to the cause he had espoused; but his vanity, his pride of opinion and his inborn contentiousness were serious handicaps to him in his political career. [Please select]
Handicaps of various sorts wore the patience of commissioners, engineers, and contractors. [Please select]
"Women have been taking handicaps from men too long." [Please select]
THE BUGABOO OF CONSTIPATION 278 CHAPTER XII In which handicaps are dropped. [Please select]
I am married man, having family responsibilitee and other handicaps. [Please select]
Such are, even now, the handicaps under which those who prepare pale sheets have to labour. [Please select]
"A big game, with the handicaps all against us." [Please select]
A man does not rise triumphant above such handicaps. [Please select]
Moreover, wherever English traders sought to take the products of English industry, mostly woolen goods, they were met by handicaps--tariffs, Sound dues, monopolies, exclusions, retaliations, and even persecutions. [Please select]
"He'll sober down," said the president, stretching his conviction a little, "he has two great handicaps: he learns too easily, and he is too popular."' [Please select]
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