Sentence example with the word 'gratuities'


Last update: July 26, 2015


The chief recommendation put forward to mend the system comprised lengthening of all sentences, a diminution in the dietaries, the abolition of large gratuities, and, speaking broadly, a general tightening of the reins.   [Please select]


His gratuities were--'Damn your eyes, you fat bottle-washer,' being his name for butler.   [Please select]


It was a shell of wood, painted with golden emblems,--the steamboat, the eagle, the Yosemite,--and a live bear ate gratuities at its entrance.   [Please select]


We have the first instance in this year of gratuities being allowed to captains in the navy who were wounded in battle.   [Please select]

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gratitudes - gratuities - gratuitous