Sentence example with the word 'gradients'


Last update: June 26, 2015


Observations are made at a given height over level open ground near the observatory, and a comparison with the simultaneous results from the self-recording electrograph enables the records from the latter to be expressed as potential gradients in the open.   [Please select]


Rise, 1,886 feet, gradients, 1 in 11, 1 in 15, 1 in 16, and 1 in 20.   [Please select]


13 miles; gradients, 1 in 15, 1 in 11, 1 in 10, and 1 in 8; average, 9.   [Please select]


Character gradients in the spiny pocket mouse, _Liomys irroratus_.   [Please select]


Very useful books, including about five hundred maps and plans, showing gradients and road profiles.   [Please select]


Most of these streams have lower gradients than those entering Big Caney from the west.   [Please select]


_--_Smilisca sordida_ is not associated with any one type of vegetation; instead it lives in the vicinity of rocky streams having low gradients.   [Please select]


Probably the level of the water table in the coastal lowlands and the gradients of the streams in the lowlands and foothills was closely correlated with fluctuation in sea level.   [Please select]

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gradient - gradients - gradin