Sentence example with the word 'governorships'


Last update: September 12, 2015


Such were various procuratorships; 'the prefectures of the corn supply, of the fleet, of the watch, of the praetorian guards; the governorships of recently acquired provinces (Egypt, Noricum), the others being reserved for senators.   [Please select]


But then, I am not declining governorships nor travelling West.   [Please select]


Let us not mistake reformed councils, more lawcourts and even governorships for real freedom or power.   [Please select]


Princes were more often appointed to governorships, and the influence of the cliques was thus weakened.   [Please select]


And so we in our turn may receive even Governorships which the real rulers no longer require or which they cannot retain with safety for their material interest--the political and material hold on India.   [Please select]


The king generally bestowed the governorships of the American colonies upon needy noblemen, or hangers-on at court, or disbanded officers.   [Please select]

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governorship - governorships - governs