abysm, breach, clove, cwm, fill, gulch, jam-pack, overfill, rime, stoppage, wolf down
Definitionn. a deep ravine
Last update: June 18, 2015
She gorged herself on icecreams. [Please select]
The car fell into a deep gorge. [noun]
Only three people stayed in the gorge, why were the others such cowards? [Please select]
Mountain biking and boarding, kayaking, canoeing, archery, gorge walking, rock climbing, survival skills and more. [Please select]
"They are withdrawing into the gorge through which the road leads up here," answered the Saite. [Please select]
Damia drew the head of the kneeling girl close to her bosom and pressed her lips to Gorge's brow. [Please select]
When, at length, they were all near the bridge in the gorge, Ben-Hur took the rope from the servant who had it, and stepped past him. [Please select]
Down the gorge and over the bridge at the bottom of it. [Please select]
His gorge rose. [Please select]
Ere Ben-Hur could finish wondering whether he were to go farther, and if so, which road was to be taken, he was led off down into the gorge. [Please select]
It had formerly been her delight, so she affirmed, to hear the loups-de-gorge (rouges-gorges) chanter dans les ogrepines (aubepines)to hear the redbreasts sing in the hawthorn-trees. [Please select]
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