Sentence example with the word 'godliness'


angelicalness, deity, godlikeness, heavenliness, inenarrability, morale, probity, right conduct, sainthood, sanctity, unspeakability, virtue

Definition n. piety by virtue of being a godly person

Last update: June 23, 2015


It was the zeal with which they were taught, the clear distinction which they drew between the profession of godliness and the enjoyment of its power - added to the emphasis they laid upon the immediate influence of the Holy Spirit on the consciousness 1 "Methodism" is derived from "method" (Gr.   [Please select]


Sad to tell, Puritan women sometimes lost their temper and their good-breeding and their godliness.   [Please select]


I have but little use for the people who parade their godliness.   [Please select]


Cleanliness is as strictly enjoined as godliness, and the manner of attaining it is carefully prescribed.   [Please select]


She felt confident first of all of the godliness of Mr.   [Please select]


Godliness means a right relation to things spiritual, cleanliness a right relation to things material.   [Please select]


She has got `contentment with godliness,' and many rich people have not got that.'   [Please select]


Cleanliness is next to Godliness, and some people do the same by their religion.   [Please select]


They were little else than labouring men, but no one was elected to that court unless he had given pledges of godliness, and they bore themselves as men who had the charge of souls.   [Please select]


"Thee knows, Lambert," remarked his better half, "that I think Janice would get more discipline and greater godliness in--" "I tell ye he sha'n't have her," broke in the squire.'   [Please select]

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