beaming, cheerful, cozy, exalted, gala, happy, in high spirits, joyous, optimistic, rosy, sparkling, tickled to death
Definitionadj. experiencing or expressing gladness or joy
Last update: August 2, 2015
The stars, as if knowing that no one was looking at them, began to disport themselves in the dark sky: now flaring up, now vanishing, now trembling, they were busy whispering something gladsome and mysterious to one another. [Please select]
Nature must be gladsome when I was so happy. [Please select]
"But the squire says you'll be gladsome enough a month gone; that--" "Ugh."' [Please select]
The throng, usually gladsome, became moody under the influence of hate and silence. [Please select]
Around their hearths by night What gladsome looks of household love Meet in the ruddy light. [Please select]
These two short idylls are marked by a gladsome spontaneity which never came to Milton again. [Please select]
It was a gladsome spectacle, and his eyes sparkled in beholding it. [Please select]
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