All that the fondest mother could do for her son you have done and are doing for him, and of course I am glad of it. [Please select]
I must now close with fondest love Your fond daughter, MILLY. [Please select]
For her hunting had prospered above her fondest hopes. [Please select]
The goodness of the Almighty towards her had been abundant beyond asking or fondest hope. [Please select]
Miss Dandridge and my wife are the fondest friends. [Please select]
You are the possession that I am proudest of and fondest of. [Please select]
With all the visionary fervor of his imagination, its fondest dreams fell short of the reality. [Please select]
Everybody was having his fondest hopes dashed to pieces every few hours. [Please select]
CHAPTER VII THE BUSINESS OF BEING A HEROINE Agony awoke the next morning to find herself famous beyond her fondest dreams. [Please select]
His purest and fondest hopes were blighted; but, while he was submissive to the will of the Father, who doeth all things well, he became gloomy and sad. [Please select]
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