Sentence example with the word 'flannel'


ballocks, bull, bushwa, crap, flatter, hedge, humbug, nonsense, rubbish, soft soap, sweet talk, waffle

Definition n. a soft light woolen fabric

Last update: July 4, 2015


The men wore thick corduroy trousers, thick black jackets and black hats, gray flannel shirts, black thick socks and hobnailed boots.   [noun]


On the contrary, a genial warmth prevails, inducing the inhabitants to discard flannel-lined leathern capotes and fur caps for lighter garments.   [noun]


In a large and gloomy tapestried apartment Flora was seated by a latticed window, sewing what seemed to be a garment of white flannel.   [noun]


Sir Arthur, his legs swathed in flannel, was stretched on the couch.   [noun]


Each man, of course, is dressed as warmly as flannel, woollen cloth, leather, and seal-skin will dress him.   [noun]


He put it in his flannel shirt by way of ballast, and he sticks to it up to the present moment.   [noun]


Dressed in this suit, the child is evenly covered with too thicknesses of flannel and one of cotton.   [noun]


Knit garments attain this most perfectly, but the next best thing is all-wool flannel of a fine grade.   [noun]


As the baby grows and the flannel shrinks, these tucks and pleats can be let out.   [noun]


It is made of baby flannel, and takes the place of the flannel petticoat with its cotton band.   [noun]


The child in a comfortably warm house needs two thicknesses of flannel and one of cotton all over it, and no more.   [noun]

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flanks - flannel - flanneled