Definitionn. creation by the physical union of male and female gametes
Last update: July 11, 2015
_Cross fertilization_, fertilization in which the sperm and egg cells are produced by different individuals. [Please select]
Describe the process of maturation and fertilization in a starfish egg. [Please select]
However, retention of spermatozoa and delayed fertilization indicate that copulation is not a stimulus for ovulation. [Please select]
A few sperm are stored in the oviducts; fertilization without reinsemination can occur. [Please select]
Agamogenesis: reproduction without fertilization by a male: see parthenogenesis; gamogenesis. [Please select]
Pseudova: egg-like germ cells capable of development without fertilization e. [Please select]
The hope of mankind will be realized by the mutual fertilization of knowing and doing. [Please select]
To what extent, if at all, the sandwort depends upon the service of insects for its fertilization, I do not know, but it certainly has no scarcity of such visitors. [Please select]
Rotation of crops was practically unknown, and fertilization of the land was rare, although the habitant frequently burned the stubble before putting the plough to his fields. [Please select]
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