Sentence example with the word 'farmyards'


Last update: November 1, 2015


The device, frequently seen in farmyards, by which the power of a horse is utilized to drive threshing or other machinery, is sometimes described as a "horse-power," but this term usually denotes the unit in which the performance of steam and other engines is expressed, and which is defined as the rate at which work is done when 33,000 lb are raised one foot in one minute.   [Please select]


Straight on he galloped, through the gardens and the farmyards as well as the open fields.   [Please select]


It covered, with its purity, the rubbish heaps in Flemish farmyards and the old oak beams of barns and sheds where British soldiers made their beds of straw.   [Please select]


Before he had gone two miles, he came out upon an open country of fields, and pastures, and farmyards, and little thickets.   [Please select]

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farmyard - farmyards - farouche