Sentence example with the word 'fancywork'


Definition n. decorative needlework

Last update: September 14, 2015


She endeavoured unsuccessfully to eke out her irregularly paid allowance by those expedients to which reduced gentlewomen are driven - fancywork and painting fans and snuff-boxes; she lived in a garret and was often unable to allow herself the luxury of a fire.   [Please select]


A sampler is a needlework pattern; a species of fancywork formerly much in vogue.   [Please select]


I think I liked the horses and the flowers and the fancywork best.   [Please select]


Mingott's sole pursuit, and she would have scorned to feign an interest in fancywork.   [Please select]


She was apt to have half a dozen unfinished pieces of fancywork on hand, and her locker in the carpentry-room held several ambitious attempts that had never reached fruition.   [Please select]


"We will make night dresses for the poor little ones next week, then after that you might all bring your own work, mending, fancywork or tidies, whatever you have to do."   [Please select]

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