Sentence example with the word 'faldstool'


Last update: August 14, 2015


Catherine on each side of the principal design, and the portraits of Henry the Seventh and his consort Elizabeth in separate compartments beneath, each kneeling before a faldstool, may be noticed.   [Please select]


And involuntarily her eyes travelled over the room, over the crucifix above the faldstool, the little altar to St.   [Please select]


She gazed steadily at Augustina for a little; then she turned to the faldstool beside the bed and the shelf above it, with Augustina's prayer-books, and on either side of the St.   [Please select]


Julius knelt at the faldstool, without the altar rails of the chapel, till the light showed faintly through the grisaille of the stained-glass windows and outlined the spires and carven canopies of the stalls.   [Please select]

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falderals - faldstool - fallacies