Sentence example with the word 'explicitness'


Definition n. clarity as a consequence of being explicit

Last update: October 24, 2015


Axioms, on the other hand, in which the sciences interconnect" through the employment of them in a parity of relation, seem to be implicit indeed in the psychological mechanism, but to come to a kind of explicitness in the first reflective reaction upon it, and without reference to any particular content of it.   [Please select]


Will you answer my questions with some explicitness, and without delay.   [Please select]


--neither was it with entire explicitness an order to do that which he did do.   [Please select]


He even made a covenant with Hamet promising with altogether unwarranted explicitness that the United States would use "their utmost exertions" to reestablish him in his sovereignty.   [Please select]

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explicitly - explicitness - explode