Sentence example with the word 'exclusiveness'


airs, cliqueyness, contumely, division, foreigner, know-nothingism, partiality, race hatred, seclusiveness, selectness, snootiness, toploftiness

Definition n. tendency to associate with only a select group

Last update: September 22, 2015


Some of his advisers urged the demolition of the nation on the ground of their exclusiveness, but he sent a sacrifice and won thereby the name of " Pious."   [Please select]


Its exclusiveness was not so much a deliberate culture as a consequence of its detached function.   [Please select]


Maryland had advanced the principle of the exclusiveness of Congress's power over foreign and interstate commerce.   [Please select]


But when I think of the exclusiveness of only a few years ago.   [Please select]


Man is made to have less exclusiveness of feeling in this respect than woman has.   [Please select]


About this attachment there is, however, none of the exclusiveness which characterises the insular dog.   [Please select]


These "precisian" zealots held, by the governor-general's permission and under his protection, a synod at Dort, June, 1586, and endeavoured to organise the Reformed Church in accordance with their strict principles of exclusiveness.   [Please select]


And yet this exclusiveness is the germ of our patriotism, a noble trait that may ultimately, but not soon, be replaced by a cosmopolitan love for humanity.   [Please select]

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