Sentence example with the word 'espial'


bringing to light, counterespionage, discovery, exposure, intelligence work, lucky strike, recognition, secret service, strike, trove, wiretap

Definition n. the act of detecting something

Last update: March 15, 2016


Secured from espial, absorbed in each other, they were able, thanks to the surrounding clamor of voices, to discuss their future plans with some degree of confidence.   [Please select]


It seemed made for purposes of espial; and Katy had visions of a long line of reverend prelates with their ears glued to the chink, overhearing what was being said about them in the apartment beyond.   [verb]


As she did so I saw a look of immediate purpose in her face, and her hurrying step persuaded me she was bent on some project of espial.   [noun]

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esperances - espial - espied