Sentence example with the word 'equivocate'


about the bush, beg the question, dodge, evade the issue, hum and haw, obscure, pull back, shilly-shally, speak falsely, tergiversate, wobble

Definition v. be deliberately ambiguous or unclear in order to mislead or withhold information

Last update: March 7, 2017


One of the first things a young diplomat learns is how to equivocate during policy statements.   [Please select]


When things are not going Margie’s way, she will often twist the truth and equivocate to put things in her favor.    [Please select]


The crooked salesman went out of his way to equivocate the sales terms to the elderly couple.   [Please select]


"Don't equivocate, you sick monkey."   [Please select]


Becket's opposition rested upon a casuistic interpretation of the canon law, and an extravagant conception of the dignity attaching to the priesthood; he showed, moreover, a disposition to quibble, to equivocate, and to make promises which he had no intention of fulfilling.   [Please select]


"I wasn't paying much attention," he equivocated,--a remark not calculated to appease her anger.   [Please select]


"Maybe I do and maybe I don't," equivocated Mr.'   [Please select]


When one thus remains in the clouds, he need not fear to equivocate.   [Please select]


"Oh, Fifth Avenue isn't so far away as you think," he equivocated.   [Please select]


I am in earnest, I will not equivocate, I will not excuse, I will not retract a single inch, and I will be heard"."   [Please select]

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equivocally - equivocate - equivocated