Definitionv. take or catch as if in a snare or trap
Last update: July 25, 2015
A bear was entrapped by the zoo authorities. . [verb]
Could it have been just to entrap people into stealing it? [verb]
A treaty projected on the news of the massacre of St Bartholomew, by which Mary should be sent back to Scotland for immediate execution, was broken off by the death of the earl of Mar, who had succeeded Lennox as regent; nor was it found possible to come to acceptable terms on a like understanding with his successor Morton, who in 1577 sent a proposal to Mary for her restoration, which she declined, in suspicion of a plot laid to entrap her by the policy of Sir Francis Walsingham, the most unscrupulously patriotic of her English enemies, who four years afterwards sent word to Scotland that the execution of Morton, so long the ally of England, would be answered by the execution of Mary. [verb]
'I am playing a gentleman's part,' replied the other, 'to entrap a villain.' [verb]
Amasis spun a web of lies, in which he managed to entrap, not only the whole world, but you too, my Sovereign. [verb]
I mistrusted a design to entrap me into some admission. [verb]
His English barons, to their credit, flatly refused either to entrap the son of their master or to abandon the city at a time so critical. [verb]
Her entrapped hand was on the table, but she had already put her other hand behind her waist. [verb]
"Do you want me then," said Estella, turning suddenly with a fixed and serious, if not angry, look, "to deceive and entrap you." [verb]
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