Sentence example with the word 'emanate'


accrue from, break cover, come out, disembogue, emit, flow from, grow from, jump out, put out, scatter, succeed

Definition v. proceed or issue forth

Last update: October 5, 2015


Many of these ideas emanated from the ancient India.   [verb]


Many government bills simply reflect the everyday demands of running a country and emanate from the civil servants in the various government departments.   [verb]


There are elements of truth within each, yet all emanate from our own cultural programming.   [verb]


But, no matter what might happen, the upas-tree whence emanated all these tortures, anxieties, and vexations, must be rooted out--stricken from the ranks of the living.   [verb]


The powers that emanate from the glittering wonder are as terrible as they are unnatural.   [verb]


It was part of the fascination she exerted that every one felt compelled to gaze at her, to discover the source of the charm which emanated from her whole person.   [verb]


From them emanated what raised her above all other women.   [verb]


Light emanated from these two little beings.   [verb]


Letter purporting to emanate from a petty German Prince and to be addressed to his officer in Command in America.   [verb]


Although they are conceived of as unconcerned with the interest of our world, yet influences are supposed to emanate from them which the human heart is capable of receiving and assimilating.   [Please select]


A strong, ponderous cast of thought seemed to emanate from his features.   [Please select]

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emaciation - emanate - emanated