Definitionadj. having the nature or shape of an ellipsoid
Last update: October 31, 2015
In this he showed that a homogeneous fluid mass revolving uniformly round an axis under the action of gravity ought to assume the form of an ellipsoid of revolution. [Please select]
The general form of the egg is still that of a truncated ellipsoid. [Please select]
Elliptical: oblong-oval, the ends equally rounded, together forming an even ellipsoid. [Please select]
Its form is that of an ellipsoid, with a major axis 26 millimetres in length, while the minor axis measures 11 millimetres. [Please select]
But in June it has lost this withered appearance; it represents a perfect balloon, an ellipsoid of which the sections perpendicular to the major axis are circles. [Please select]
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