Apply a tourniquet to the upper arm to distend the veins and select the best one. [verb]
To drive the air out of this skin by pressing on it, or even by walking on it, would be easy; to fill it again with air by pulling its sides apart with his fingers would be so irksome that he would soon learn to distend it by means of strings. [verb]
VIRAG: (His mouth projected in hard wrinkles, eyes stonily forlornly closed, psalms in outlandish monotone) That the cows with their those distended udders that they have been the the known. [verb]
His great eyes were distended. [Please select]
Denise Ryland distended her nostrils scornfully. [Please select]
Kerry, nostrils distended, eyes glaring madly, bent over him. [Please select]
Their ears, frightfully distended, held dangling to them disks of wood and plates of gum copal. [Please select]
If you find at any time the body getting hard and distended, administer the emetic. [Please select]
The smaller are therefore rejected; and will be found to be distended with their secretion. [Please select]
” Mills emitted an enormous cloud of smoke out of his distended cheeks. [Please select]
The abdomen of the young becomes distended when they are fed by the parents. [Please select]
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