I was disinfected and William Adolphus was fumigated, and then we were free to go. [Please select]
It looks disinfected; it has just that kind of rather awful cleanness. [Please select]
The atmosphere, it was understood, was to be, if possible, disinfected of agents. [Please select]
These and other yards found infected were closed temporarily and disinfected. [Please select]
As measures of eradication, diseased herds were slaughtered and buried and the premises disinfected. [Please select]
All the premises, barns, stalls, litter, and stable utensils should be thoroughly disinfected. [Please select]
Strangers not to enter sheds except in disinfected safety dresses. [Please select]
The udder and teats and the hands of the operator must be well disinfected, and the solution must be freshly made with recently boiled water kept in a sterile bottle. [Please select]
It is well to rest the cleansed and disinfected udder on a sterilized pad of cotton or a boiled towel. [Please select]
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