Sentence example with the word 'disembowel'


Definition v. remove the entrails of

Last update: January 17, 2017


Teague, up thar, he 'lowed that a man wi' grey eyes an' a nimble han' could git on that rock an' lay flat of his belly an' disembowel a whole army.   [Please select]


Them wuz his words--disembowel a whole army.   [noun]


Its claws looked sufficiently formidable to disembowel a man--as, indeed, they were, if the man came near enough.   [Please select]


José's oft-repeated threat to disembowel a refractory member of the crew had at last been literally fulfilled.   [Please select]


This was owing to the fact that Dan and Scotty, two of the staunchest seizers I ever saw, engaged him constantly in front, while the other dogs literally disemboweled him.   [Please select]


If she miscalculates, she may be killed: the larva, irritated by the smarting puncture, is strong enough to disembowel her with the tusks of its mandibles.   [Please select]

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disembogues - disembowel - disemboweled