amplitude, de deflection, dissemination, evaporation, frequency spectrum, node, radiation, scatter, sound wave, strewing, wave
Definitionn. when light passes sharp edges or goes through narrow slits the rays are deflected and produce fringes of light and dark bands
Last update: July 20, 2015
Thus by equation (18) of § II of the article Diffraction Of Light, the secondary disturbance is expressed by D' - D n 2 Tsin sin (nt - kr) D 47rb2 r _ D' - D irTsin O sin (nt - kr) (3)1 The preceding investigation is based upon the assumption that in passing from one medium to another the rigidity of the aether does not change. [Please select]
] The street-lamps at night, looked at through the meshes of a handkerchief, show diffraction phenomena. [Please select]
This diffraction effect is accepted; but the problem still remains how wide this annulus may be, and whether it may vary in width from one eclipse to another. [Please select]
The iridescence of certain Alpine clouds is also an effect of diffraction which may be imitated by the spores of Lycopodium. [Please select]
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