Sentence example with the word 'diatribes'


Last update: June 24, 2015


Barclay had, however, no sympathy with the anti-clerical diatribes of John Skelton, whom he more than once attacks.   [Please select]


* Carlyle's eloquent and humourous diatribes were wonderful, laughter-moving, awe-compelling.   [Please select]


But it seemed to her that all these amiable diatribes in exquisite French were directed at her New York, and it must be admitted that she was humiliated and enraged.   [Please select]


The Whigs had to disavow any approval of the Jacobins; Mackintosh, who had given his answer to Burke's diatribes, met Burke himself on friendly terms (9th July 1797), and in 1800 took an opportunity of public recantation.   [Please select]

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diatribe - diatribes - diazo