But the pantheism of the Persian is always positive, affirming the world and life, taking joy in them, and seeking its ideal in union with a creative god: the pantheism of the Indian is negativedenying world and life, and descrying its ideal in the cessation of existence. [Please select]
The clerk, descrying them, desisted abruptly from a conversation across the cigar counter, and with all the form of a ceremony dipped the pen with a flourish into the ink and handed it to Jethro. [Please select]
For the first time he looked down through his sore sense of outrage and protest to deeps in himself--as a diver peers through a water-glass to the depths of a river troubled and opaque, dimly descrying vague shapes of ill. [Please select]
Presently, descrying Annesley seated at a table with Lady Dascot, she raised the jewel languidly and peered through it at the two. [Please select]
Helen's scrutiny was rewarded by descrying several tiny depressions in the pine-needles, dark in color and sharply defined. [Please select]
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