Definitionn. any skeletal muscle that draws a body part down
Last update: July 28, 2015
He believes that if the wing be suddenly lowered by the depressor muscles, it is elevated solely by the reaction of the air. [Please select]
It is a depressor of the whole caudal appendix. [Please select]
_~--The origin is fleshy from the lateral and ventral surfaces of _Ligamentum depressor mandibulae_. [Please select]
_~--The depressor of the lower mandible is the sole muscle other than _M. [Please select]
The function of the depressor mandibulae muscle in certain passerine birds. [Please select]
_~--The origin is fleshy from the lateral edge of the basioccipital where the muscle is attached to _Ligamentum depressor mandibulae_ and extends in a lateral direction to a point where the structures involved turn dorsad. [Please select]
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