As she watched, he deleted whatever it was then moved onto his evening schedule and deleted everything there, too. [Please select]
Page 15, "fond" changed to "found" (found a ready) Page 28, line of repeated text was deleted. [Please select]
Page 72: comma deleted after "Of" (Of course, eggs sufficient to fill the entire incubator capacity.) [Please select]
| | Page 269, last paragraph: one anchor to same footnote deleted. [Please select]
Originally: not surprising that in the wildnerness area Page 57, Footnote 36: Deleted duplicate "to". [Please select]
Page 133--a closing quote immediately before footnote reference [40] has been deleted. [Please select]
The last difference between England and Wales was deleted; and if Wales has no separate existence left, why should we write or read its history. [Please select]
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